Directed by acclaimed Russian director Alexandre Marine, KNOCK - the third original production by Lost & Found Project - is inspired by the writings of the Russian avant-garde, absurdist writer Daniil Kharms. KNOCK is a metaphorical exploration of action, inevitability, success, and dreaming, through the cracked lens of Kharms' poetry. In an attempt to penetrate the paradoxical world of human nature, KNOCK takes you on a journey to a strange country where people act without consequences and disappear so thoroughly they may never have existed at all. Continuing the company’s tradition of working with the Verbatim technique this production merges personal experiences of the cast with Kharms' absurd stories and brings them to the stage. The result is a surreal exploration of the absurdity that surrounds us in everyday world.
Directed by Alexandre Marine
Original score by Dmitri Marine
Poster design by Natasha Mileshina
Based on texts by Daniil Kharms and
contributing writing by Boris Zilberman
Cast: Masha King, Sergey Nagorny, Yelena Shmulenson, Anya Zicer, Boris Zilberman, Darya Ekamasova, Gera Sandler, Marina Reydler, Ruslan Verkhovsky
Photos by George Itzhak