The Lost & Found Project's first production titled "ДOROGA" (DOROGA), which incorporates elements of experimental theatre and movement techniques was the premiere launch of the company.
The production was constructed through a lengthy research process by the actors and company members who investigated their inheritance via a series of workshops and interviews. DOROGA was based on the subject of immigration and focused on the narratives of families who immigrated to the US from countries of the Former Soviet Union. The play was presented in snapshots, depicting a dialogue between the past and the present, connecting the actors' stories through a common character, where parallels were drawn from the actors' affecting environments.
Directed by Ben Sargent & Bryna Wasserman
Written by L&F cast members / Edited by Boris Zilberman and Ruvym Gilman
Original Score by Zisl Slepovitch
Cast: Masha King, Alya Adelman, Sergey Nagorny, Boris Zilberman, Ruvym Gilman, Marina Reydler, Ruslan Verkhovsky, Jane Ruv, Jordan Elizabeth Gelber, Anya Zicer
Photos by Anya Roz